It's been a busy month!! Alex's gone out with my mom for the morning while Sky's watching her favorite movie so I have time to update.
The highlight of the month is we went to the Thunder Bay museum. There were three floors full of cool stuff. The first floor started with a teepee. The kids HAD to check it out first.
Then after checking a few other booths out, there was an old movie theater with old seats. They were wood and HARD. We sat there for about ten minutes watching the Three Stooges. Alex signed "My bum hurts. I'm tired of sitting here." I took that chance to explain that his great grandparents had to sit here for two hours if they wanted to watch a movie unlike those comfy chairs we're able to sit in at a movie theater.

We went on and looked around a bit more. Sky got so excited when she saw a bike with one huge wheel. She asked how people could ride on it.
We HAD to take a picture of them with the bike because it was Sky's favorite. :-D

I have no idea why they're posing like this. I guess something different!! :-)

I apologize for the picture. Didn't realize how dark it is. I could have sworn I had the flash on.
Notice Sky kissing her big bro. :-D She sure loves her brother.

A couple of weeks ago, we got a new kitten. It was supposed to be a surprise BUT the former owner asked if I was able to take the kitten on Tues night instead of Thurs as we originally planned. She lives in an apartment building and the kitten was howling because he had just gotten fixed. Her neighbors were complaining so I agreed to take the kitten immediately. That meant I couldn't surprise the kids because I had to go out and get cat food, litter, toys with the kids. I was planning on getting those stuff when they were at their grandma's on Thurs morning. They were really excited tho and picked out all the toys.
The kitten was groggy and nervous but he quickly warmed up. He's such a good kitten. When the kids play with him, he doesn't stratch or bite back. He's pretty laid back and loves to play with the kids. I'm so glad we got such a good cat.
As for the name, his name was Cheesie. It was picked by the owner's 2 year old son. We decided to change his name. Alex wanted to name him, "Stinky" or "Bum". Typical 6 year old boy. Sky came up with "Prince" from "Cinderella" and we all loved that name! So now his name is Prince.
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