My life

The title says it all. This is about my life. :-)

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Location: Canada

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Two teeth down, one more to go!

Yep. Two of Alex's bottom teeth fell out. One of Alex's top tooth is loose now. He's growing into a boy. His face is maturing. He rolls his eyes when I bug him but yet it's ok if he bugs me and his sister! He's going for his yellow strip belt in Karate

Sky is becoming more cuddly again. She has twin babies that she tends to and gives them to me when she needs a break. :) When the babies cries, she takes them back and give them bottles. She has wonderful maternal instinct!! She has gotten so much better being in a crowd. Before she would hide behind me and be shy. It would take me several minutes to get her to socialize. Now she forgets to kiss and hug me goodbye! :)

Sky is going out with her sparks group ice skating this afternoon. Tom and I will take Alex ice skating. Hopefully I will have pictures to post tonight!!