My life

The title says it all. This is about my life. :-)

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Location: Canada

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Old McDonald had a farm,


And on his farm he had a butt, E-I-E-I-O

With a "butt" here and a "butt" there

Guess who sung this?

None other than my little boy, Alex at the age of five and half. :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2005


This morning at 6:30 am, Alex woke up with a mirgaine. It has been months since he had a miragine. He was screaming and then started to throw up. He finally slept but not for long. Then woke up screaming again. I found that if I held his head with my hand, it helps him fall asleep and stay asleep longer. I recall his doctor telling me that his miragines are usually from stress so I was trying to think about what could be stressing him out then it hit me. School is starting again. He does not want to go back to school nor speak there. Now next step would be to have a talk with Alex and listen to his feelings. Hopefully we can find a solution to his nervousness.

Other than that it's been fun last couple of weeks. We went to the water park a few times and one day we even had a pizza there. I suprised the kids with a trip to an old VIA train. They gave tours. Alex especially was really into it. He has always loved trains ever since he was a baby. The train was built in mid 1950's and they didn't change anything inside it. The chairs were wool and they had cute pull out beds. The paint in the train was peeling and the metal were rustic. The train smelt like history. There was a certain muskic smell to it. I could see people and children dressed in 50's clothes walking around and sitting. It was a lot of fun for both kids. They sat in the chairs, went to see the driver's area, climbed the bunk beds and pretended to sleep there.

Sky is so excited about school. She has her little bag all ready and she would make her school lunch each morning. She says she is playing school to practice. At least she is not throwing a tantrum when she finds out school does not begin "today". She makes jam sandwiches (peanut butter is not allowed because other children are allergic to peanut butter), cheese and crackers, an apple, a pudding and a juice box. She puts them in her brand new lunch box and puts it in her brand new my little pony bag. Then at around 10 am, she decides it is lunchtime and eats it all.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sky enters and signs:

"Mommy, school today?"

"Not today. Few weeks."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!" *pouts* At this point she had thrown her hands down and her shoulders are bent over in disappointment.

This has been how Sky has been the past few weeks now. It's so cute watching her getting excited about her very first day of school. It's a huge difference from her older brother. Alex was really afraid of school. He cried for a long time at his first day of school. I predict Sky will forget to hug and kiss me bye. I think it'll be hard but exciting to watch her start her way in life. It has hit me that she isn't a baby anymore. She is a beautiful, smart little girl now.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Since when is a child claiming that he wants to die and he doesn't exist on earth part of his personality?

Some mothers are fucked in the head seriously.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Interesting little discussion with my son this morning.

This morning Alex and I had an interesting conversation...

Alex: Mommy, I want your ears to be broken.

Me: Oh, why?

Alex: Because I like it.

Me: Would you like daddy's ears to be broken as well?

Alex: No.

Me: Why?

Alex: Because I love talking to daddy.


I wonder if it's the fact that we do not speak with we chat. We sign and it's "too quiet" for him? Or just the fact he loves hearing his father's voice? I've heard his dad's voice is pretty unique. He speaks with an aborginial accent and perhaps he takes comfort from hearing it?

Why does he like my ears "broken"?

Perhaps he likes it because it comes naturally to him. His mommy being deaf and uses ASL and his daddy being hearing but has an accent? We are not like most parents of his friends, that's for sure. It's just so interesting chatting with the kids and really learning about their little ideas in their heads.